<a href='http://rhy3.smxjjl.com'>菠菜网lol正规平台</a> Day of Giving 2025 Donation Opportunities

菠菜网lol正规平台 Day of Giving 2025

Lurie College is participating in San José State University's 1857 Minutes of Giving on March 11-12, and we're thrilled to share multiple opportunities to support several projects that directly aid and promote the success of our students.

Please take a moment to explore our impactful Lurie College projects

Headshot of interim dean and TED faculty david whitenack with green leaves in background

Welcome Interim Dean Dr. David Whitenack

The Connie L. Lurie College of Education is thrilled to welcome David A. Whitenack, Ph.D. as Interim Dean! A dedicated educator, researcher, and leader in equitable education, Dr. Whitenack brings a wealth of experience to this role.

Learn more about Interim Dean Whitenack

2024 Christa McAuliffe Excellence in Teacher Education Awarded to LCOE for diversifying the teacher pipeline
2024 Christa McAuliffe Excellence in Teacher Education Award Recipient

The Connie L. Lurie College of Education is proud to receive the 2024 Christa McAuliffe Award; Diversifying the Teacher Pipeline from the American Association of State Colleges and Universities. The Christa McAuliffe Award has long honored exemplary teacher education programs at AASCU member campuses that can document the success of their graduates in improving P-12 pupil learning outcomes. The award recognizes programs that have been adapted using evidence of P-12 impact in their pre-service and in-service programs.

sweeny hall photo

You Belong at Lurie College!

At the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Lurie College of Education, you will gain the skills and knowledge to prepare yourself for a future as a transformative educator, counselor, therapist, or school and community leader. Experience an emancipatory approach while you explore teaching, scholarship, and service opportunities.

images of various male educators of color with students

The Male Educators of Color Initiative

Men of Color have a profound impact on student success in our K12 classrooms. The Male Educators of Color Initiative is open to all 菠菜网lol正规平台 teacher credential candidates committed to combating the systemic and interpersonal barriers that disproportionately impede and discourage men of color from entering the teaching profession. The MECI does not consider race, color, national origin, sex, or any other protected status for candidates seeking to participate in MECI programs and activities.

Join a community of committed educators to make a difference in our schools, communities, and the lives of children, youth, and families. Learn more today!

Explore Lurie College Programs

Recent News

Shelving Doubt: Essy Barroso-Ramirez Tackles Imposter Phenomenon for First-Generation Scholars

EdD Cohort 11 Student, Essy Barroso-Ramirez dives deep with University writer Julia Halprin Jackson on her recently published article “Imposter phenomenon as a first gen scholar” in a journal and digital platform for women of color in librarianship.

Read more about Essy's Journey

Early Childhood Education: The Ultimate Investment

Learn about Rebecca Morgan and how her experienecs led her to become a senator and to supporting early childhood education.

Read more at Washington Square: The Magazine

Lurie College Awarded the Christa McAuliffe Excellence in Teacher Education

The American Association of State Colleges and Universities recognizes the Connie L. Lurie College of Education for diversifying the pipeline within the education workforce, addressing a long-existing disparity in the community.

Read about what this Award Means

Centers & Institutes

Institute for Emancipatory Education

The IEE facilitates community-engaged research and advances emancipatory pedagogies. Supports redesign of learning from preschool through post-secondary education.

Healthy Development Community Clinic

Our services are developmentally appropriate, equity-minded, evidence-based, and culturally sustaining for each child and family. We focus on children and youth ages 0-17 years and their families. Using a primary prevention model, we use screenings to identify need for evaluations, provide brief services, and targeted referrals to community resources and services. Educational programs are available in individual, family, and group formats both in-person, and via telehealth.

Early Childhood Institute

Recognizing the potential each and every child brings into the world, 菠菜网lol正规平台's Early Childhood Institute (ECI) seeks to transform the field of early learning and care through impactful research, training and advocacy efforts that promote equitable, high-quality, and inclusive early learning and care settings to benefit all children.

Center for Innovation in Applied Education Policy

Serving At-Promise Youth in K-12 education across California. The IAEP Center is based at San José State University and serves to empower California systems of support providers to better serve at-promise students. The Center is committed to interprofessional and interdisciplinary collaboration centered on closing opportunity gaps.

Institute for Regenerative Futures

The Institute for Regenerative Futures (IRF) is an intergenerational community-based collective of Black and other Indigenous co-conspiratorial educators, elders, healing practitioners, memory workers (researchers) and beloved community. Our collective emerged through timely intersections of community engagement, education, and research that highlight the psychological, emotional, and physiological impacts of anti-blackness and colonization.

Explore Our Community